Curvalux Licensed Portfolio
mmWave Products
The most groundbreaking multibeam technology enables precise and efficient signal transmission over mmWave frequencies.
Our commitment to sustainability also shines through in our mmWave line-up, which are designed for energy efficiency, reducing carbon footprints and achieving lower operational costs.
With our comprehensive suite of mmWave solutions, we empower mobile network operators to provide the high-speed, low-latency connections that today’s consumers and businesses demand.
1Gbps mmWave Remote Terminal for long-range, high capacity applications
3.1 Tiny Edge Node
Highest capacity 3.2Gbps per sector coverage, optimal for FWA and Mesh applications
3.0 MaxEDGE
1Gbps outdoor Access Point for point-to-point wireless backhaul applications
Looking for unlicensed band products?
Get information on our range of Sub 7 Ghz products